Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rock Cod with Salted Olives (Haam4 Gaam3 Laam5 Sek6 Baan1, 鹹橄欖石斑)

Any firm fleshed fish will work for this dish, and you can either buy fillets or fillet the fish yourself. In this case a rock cod (sek6 baan1, 石斑) tail was available at the Asian market. Instead of using salted black beans (dau6 si6, ), I used salted olives (haam4 gaam3 laam5, 鹹橄欖), which gives the dish a different flavor. You need to chop and soak the salted olives before using them (but don’t soak for too long or you’ll lose the salted olive flavor).

Fish Marinade Ingredients
½-¾ lbs. Rock Cod (sek6 baan1, 石斑) fillet or any firm fleshed fish
½ inch knob of Ginger , (goeng1, ),  crushed
1 tsp. (or to taste) White Pepper (baak6 wu4 ziu1, 白胡)
½ Tbs. Corn Starch (suk1 fan2, 粟粉)
½ Tbs. Shaoxing Rice Wine (siu6 hing1 zau2, 紹興) or Dry Sherry
1 tsp. Sesame Oil (maa4 jau4, 麻油)
Salted Olive Ingredients
1 Tbs. Salted Olives (haam4 gaam3 laam5, 鹹橄欖), chopped into small pieces or salted black beans (dau6 si6, )
Sauce Ingredients
1 Tbs. Soy Sauce
1 Tbs. Soy Paste or Thick Soy Sauce (zeong3 jau4 gou1, 醬油) (see notes)
1 Tbs. Shaoxing Rice Wine or Dry Sherry
1 tsp (or to taste) ground Black Pepper (hak1 ziu1, 黑椒)
1 tsp. Sesame Oil
Other Ingredients
3-4 stalks Baby Bok Choy (siu2 baak6 coi3, 小白菜)
1 small Red Bell Pepper (ceng1 ziu1, 青椒) cut into 1 inch pieces
Oil for cooking

Fish Preparation Instructions
  1. Marinate the fish for 1 hour using the crushed ginger, white pepper, corn starch, Shaoxing Rice Wine, and sesame oil.
  2. Chop the salted olives into small pieces, put them into a heat proof bowl, and cover with boiling water. Allow to hydrate for 1 hour.
Sauce Preparation Instructions
  1. Put the soy sauce, soy paste or thick soy sauce, Shaoxing Rice Wine, black pepper, and sesame oil into a small bowl and mix together.
Other Preparation Instructions       
  1. Remove the salted olives from the soaking liquid.  Keep the soaking liquid for later use in the sauce.
  2. Wash and quarter the baby bok choy. Set the bok choy aside.
  3. Wash and slice the red bell pepper into 1 inch pieces. Set the bell pepper aside.
Cooking Instructions
  1. Heat the wok or pan over high heat before adding oil.
  2. Stir fry the fish briefly and set aside.
  3. Reheat the wok over high heat, add more oil, and then add the salted olives to the wok. Stir fry briefly.
  4. Add the baby bok choy to the wok and stir fry.
  5. Add the red bell pepper to the wok and stir fry.
  6. Add the fish back into the wok and stir fry the ingredients together.
  7. Add the sauce to the wok.
  8. Add the olive soaking liquid to the wok and combine the ingredients together. Add more or less of the olive soaking liquid to produce the desired amount of liquid in the sauce. The soaking liquid is salty, so don’t add too much.
  9. Put the cooked ingredients into a serving dish.
  10. Serve with steamed rice.
  1. Soy Paste is bottled by Kimlan. Thick soy sauce is darker and thicker than regular soy sauce due to the addition of molasses. Regular soy sauce can also be used if soy paste or thick soy sauce is not available.

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