saw two ingredients at my local Asian supermarket that I’ve never cooked before
– long baby bok choy sprouts and shredded spice tofu. As always I bought them
before knowing what to do with them. Just those two ingredients alone would
make a good dish, and I’ve had a similar dish using white shredded tofu at a
local Shanghai restaurant, but I decided to add shrimp to the recipe. Long baby
bok choy sprouts resemble spinach in form, but retains its crunch when cooked,
and are the young long sprouts of the bok choy plant. The long sprouts go well
with shredded tofu which is also long in length. I used spiced shredded tofu
instead of the white version, which is more common, to give added flavor to the
dish. If you can’t find long baby bok choy sprouts (also called long bok choy
muy) at your local Asian supermarket, you can substitute baby bok choy (小白菜, siu2
baak6 coi3). Regular firm tofu, cut into strips, can be
substituted for the shredded tofu.