Thursday, November 29, 2018

Single Meal - Dungeness Crab Shrimp Hong Kong Noodles (北美大肉蟹蝦仁雲吞麵, Bak1 Mei5 Daai6 Juk6 Haai5 Haa1 Jan4 Wan4 Tan1 Min6)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

Dungeness crab is now in season, which is a treat in my part of the world. The crab was used in another dish and there was a small amount left over, so I decided to make a noodle dish. I originally posted this recipe: Dungeness Crab Hong Kong Noodles (北美大肉蟹雲吞麵, Bak1 Mei5 Daai6 Juk6 Haai5 Wan4 Tan1 Min6), which was adapted the recipe from the Dungeness Crab with Cellophane Noodles recipe at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch website, and this dish is based on that recipe. This is a quick cooking dish, and using Hong Kong noodles, in place of cellophane noodles, and shrimp which works well with the crab. The portion size is reduced, hence the “Single Meal” designation, and produces two servings.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Single Meal - Sugar Snap Pea Soy Sauce Pork Stomach Stir Fry (蜜豆炒豉油豬肚, Mat6 Dau6 Caau2 Si6 Jau4 Zyu1 Tou5)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

The poaching liquid from the soy sauce pork stomach is used as the basis for the sauce for this stir fry dish. Pork stomach is one of my favorite parts of the pig to eat, but it has to be poached first using the Soy Sauce Pork Stomach (豉油豬肚, Si6 Jau4 Zyu1 Tou5) recipe before being stir fried for this dish.


Soy Sauce Pork Stomach (豉油豬肚, Si6 Jau4 Zyu1 Tou5)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

Pork stomach is an underutilized part of the pig, in my opinion, here in the USA, but are quite good when prepared correctly. Using the technique to make a poached soy sauce chicken, Soy Sauce Chicken (豉油鷄, Si6 Jau4 Gai1), pork stomach can be made tender and tasty. The soy sauce poaching liquid gives this recipe its distinctive flavor. You often find soy sauce pork stomach in Chinese delicatessens.

Pork stomachs are commonly available fresh at your local Asian market. Unlike beef tripe (stomach), there’s a layer of meat on the outside of the stomach. The pork stomach is usually used as an ingredient in another dish and is not eaten all by itself. You also don’t have to poach the pork stomach in soy sauce, for instance, if you make the Steamed Ginger Scallion Pork Stomach with Green String Beans (青豆角薑葱蒸豬肚, Ceng1 Dau6 Gok3 Goeng1 Cung1 Zing1 Zyu1 Tou5). The poaching liquid also makes a good basis for a sauce, but is usually not used alone since it’s very salty.


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Single Meal - Black Bean Cashew Snow Pea Beef (豆豉腰果荷蘭豆牛肉, Dau6 Si6 Jiu1 Gwo2 Ho4 Laan4 Dau6 Ngau4 Juk6)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

Black bean sauce and beef are a classic combination in Cantonese cooking. Here’s a recipe whose quantity is geared towards one or two servings. Cashews add a different texture to this dish and provides a tasty addition to the dish without them.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Single Meal - Shrimp Knife Cut Noodles (蝦炒刀削麵, Haa1 Caau2 Dou1 Soek3 Min6)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

With this recipe, I’m introducing a new type of meal. You’ll notice that the title of this recipe is prefaced with, “Single Meal”. Most of my previous recipe postings were for four or more servings per recipe, which is great if you’re cooking for a family or cooking enough to have leftovers for the week. Whenever you see, “Single Meal”, in the recipe title, the portion has been reduced to produce one or two meals, so the name is a bit of a misnomer since it really is more than a one meal recipe. The idea here is to produce recipes, for instance, for a lunch or dinner with enough leftovers for another meal. The meals can be scaled up to produce larger portions, usually by increasing the ingredients and/or sauce amounts.

For this recipe, there was a predecessor: Shrimp Dough Sliced Chow Mein (蝦炒刀削麵, Haa1 Caau2 Dou1 Soek3 Min6), which used frozen dough sliced noodles. I first got introduced to this dish at the local Chinese Muslim restaurant. Ordering this dish and green onion bread makes for a great meal. Dough sliced noodles are aptly named since the noodles are sliced from a block of dough. The noodles have a chewy doughy texture, unlike normal chow mein noodles.
This recipe uses dried knife cut noodles (which is just another name for the same noodles). The good news when using dried noodles is that there’s no overnight thawing required to use the noodles (although they still must be rehydrated). The bad news about these noodles is that my local Asian market had the noodles on closeout, so once I run out, that’s it unless I find a replacement brand. Luckily I bought enough of the dried knife cut noodles to last a while, so hopefully another brand will become available in the meantime. Your local Asian market might stock these noodles, so you might not have the same problem.

Rehydrating the dried noodles is easy. All you need is a covered container, boiling water, the dried noodles, and a microwave oven. All you need to do is to pour boiling water over the dried noodles in a covered container. Place the container into a microwave oven and microwave on high for about 3-4 minutes, until the noodles boil for about 30-60 seconds. The strength of your microwave and the thickness of the dried noodles will dictate the amount of time needed to rehydrate the noodles in the microwave, so you’ll have to experiment to find the time needed microwaving. The noodles should be al dente, in fact they should seem a little undercooked. Stir frying the noodles in a wok later will complete cooking.


Technique: How to Quickly Rehydrate Dried Noodles

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong. All rights reserved.

Like the technique to quickly rehydrate dried mushrooms, Technique: How to Quickly Rehydrate Dried Shiitake Mushrooms (冬菇, Dung1 Gu1), the microwave is used to quickly rehydrate dried noodles. Usually dried noodles need to be rehydrated by using boiling water in a pot, which means the pot needs to be cleaned afterwards.

I use boiling water, a microwave safe covered container, and the microwave to speed up the process, and not have to clean a pot afterwards (the covered container gets placed into the dishwasher). Depending upon the type and thickness of the dried noodle and the strength of the microwave, the time required to rehydrate the noodles in the microwave is about 3-4 minutes after boiling the water. Using this method allows just about any dried noodle to be rehydrated using this technique. I have not tried using this method with long thick noodles, like spaghetti, since those noodles don’t fit into normal microwave safe covered containers. However dried noodles that are smaller in length, such as those found in Asian markets, this is a quick and easy method to rehydrate the noodles before making a stir fry noodle dish. These noodles usually come in 3.5 oz (100 g.) packages, so two of these packages are good for two meals (one portion to eat now, one portion to eat later).


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Mesquite Grilled Three Pepper Beef Porterhouse Steak (燒烤豆科灌木三椒上等牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Saam1 Ziu1 Soeng6 Dang2 Ngau4 Paai4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

If you like your steak a little spicy, this easy to make recipe should make you happy since it uses three peppercorns: black, white, and Szechuan. I keep pepper grinders with each of these whole peppercorns in my pantry, so it’s easy to grind just the amount desired to season the steak. If you don’t have the whole peppercorns in separate grinders, you can easily throw the peppercorns into a spice grinder. The outer surfaces of the steak are first coated with sesame oil and then Lawry’s Seasoned Salt (or just plain salt) before applying the ground peppers.

I’ve totally changed the way I grill beef steaks after reading the method used by America’s Test Kitchen. The recipe is for porterhouse steaks, but it can be used for other cuts of beef and other meats (e.g. pork). Their method produces a charred exterior with a tender medium-rare interior, and uses both the oven and the grill. The basic premise for their method is to preheat the steak in the oven before grilling the steak over a hot fire to produce the desired results. I adapted the method to use the grill only to produce similar results. In my previous grilling recipes, I would place the meat over a hot fire first to char the outside and then move the meat to the cool side of the grill to roast and/or smoke. This produced a charred exterior and medium-rare interior, but the medium-rare interior was sandwiched between a well-done exterior, whereas the America’s Test Kitchen method produced a consistent medium-rare interior without the well-done exterior layers.

So my adaptation is to reverse the previous order of cooking the meat to first pre-heat the meat on the cool side of the grill to smoke it before moving to the hot side to char. This produces similar results to America’s Test Kitchen’s original method even though the fire is reduced in heat when the meat is charred after pre-heating, and you don’t need to use your oven. The new method does take longer to cook the meat, but it’s worth the extra time to get the desired results. The cooking time varies with the thickness of the meat, temperature of the fire, and your previous experience with the barbeque grill, so you’ll have to experiment a little to get the desired results. I think if you try cooking steaks using my adapted method, you’ll also change the way you grill meat.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mesquite Grilled Ground Chili Garlic Oil Chicken Drumsticks (燒烤豆科灌木蒜油辣椒醬鷄髀, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Syun3 Jau4 Laat6 Ziu1 Zoeng3 Gai1 Bei2)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

This is a very simple grilled dish that can be made after marinating chicken drumsticks overnight using Ground Chili Garlic Oil. Mesquite wood is added to the grill, but you can use oak, hickory, pecan, or whatever your favorite wood is, to further enhances the flavor. Any leftover chicken can be used in stir fry dishes or for sandwiches.


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Steamed Red Tilapia (蒸紅鯽魚, Zing1 Hung4 Zak1 Jyu4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

Red tilapia is visually appealing fish, as well as being inexpensive. The fish is a good choice for steaming and is readily available at my local Asian market. I usually get an already freshly prepared fish, but a whole live fish (with the head) is also a good option.

The fish is always finished with heated oil and a soy sauce mixture. You can use a small pot or a wok to heat the mixtures, but I’ve been using the microwave to heat the soy sauce mixture. As always, you need to be very careful when you pour heated oil and liquids on the fish, as the hot oil and liquid will pop and splatter off the fish.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Mesquite Grilled Two Pepper Boneless Beef Rib Eye Steak (燒烤豆科灌木兩椒肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Loeng5 Ziu1 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

I keep Szechuan peppercorns in a pepper grinder along with a pepper grinder containing the usual black peppercorns that’s found in every kitchen in the USA. I used both ground Szechuan and black peppercorns, together with Lawry’s Seasoned Salt (you can substitute regular salt if you don’t have the seasoned salt), to season a boneless beef rib eye steak before grilling with mesquite (any smoking wood can be substituted). This is a very basic grill seasoning that adds spicy ground Szechuan peppercorns. The amount of seasoning used is a personal preference, so feel free to adjust the amounts.

Like the Mesquite Grilled Boneless Beef Chuck Steak (燒烤豆科灌木牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Ngau4 Paai4), Mesquite Grilled Barbeque Sauce Rib Eye Steak (燒烤豆科灌木燒烤醬肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Siu1 Saau1 Zoeng3 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4), and Oak Grilled Dungeness Crab and Beef Rib Eye Steak (燒烤橡木北美大肉蟹肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Zoeng6 Muk6 Bak1 Mei5 Daai6 Juk6 Haai5 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4) recipes, I’ve totally changed the way I grill beef steaks after reading the method used by America’s Test Kitchen. The recipe was for rib-eye steaks, but it can be used for other cuts of beef and other meats (e.g. pork). Their method produces a charred exterior with a tender medium-rare interior, and uses both the oven and the grill. The basic premise for their method is to preheat the steak in the oven before grilling the steak over a hot fire to produce the desired results. I adapted the method to use the grill only to produce similar results. In my previous grilling recipes, I would place the meat over a hot fire first to char the outside and then move the meat to the cool side of the grill to roast and/or smoke. This produced a charred exterior and medium-rare interior, but the medium-rare interior was sandwiched between a well-done exterior, whereas the America’s Test Kitchen method produced a consistent medium-rare interior without the well-done exterior layers.

So my adaptation is to reverse the previous order of cooking the meat to first pre-heat the meat on the cool side of the grill to smoke it before moving to the hot side to char. This produces similar results to America’s Test Kitchen’s original method even though the fire is reduced in heat when the meat is charred after pre-heating, and you don’t need to use your oven. The new method does take longer to cook the meat, but it’s worth the extra time to get the desired results. The cooking time varies with the thickness of the meat, temperature of the fire, and your previous experience with the barbeque grill, so you’ll have to experiment a little to get the desired results. I think if you try cooking steaks using my adapted method, you’ll also change the way you grill meat.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Snow Pea Shrimp and Dungeness Crab (荷蘭豆蝦北美大肉蟹, Ho4 Laan4 Dau6 Haa1 Bak1 Mei5 Daai6 Juk6 Haai5)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

This is a luxurious seafood dish using shrimp and cooked Dungeness crab meat with Shiitake mushrooms, snow peas, and eggs. A minimum amount of sauce is used in this dish to allow the flavors of the ingredients to come through. I happen to live in an area where freshly cooked whole Dungeness crab can be obtained seasonally (you just have to take the time to remove the meat from the shell), but you can substitute any cooked crab meat; fresh, frozen, or canned. I originally made this dish for the Lunar New Year and the dish certainly matched the occasion.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Black Bean Chili Oil Poblano Chili Chicken (黑豆辣椒油椒鷄, Hak1 Dau6 Laat6 Ziu1 Jau4 Ziu1 Gai1)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.

This recipe is similar to the previously posted, Black Bean Garlic Sauce Poblano Chili Chicken (蒜蓉豆豉醬椒鷄, Syun3 Jung4 Dau6 Si6 Zoeng3 Ziu1 Gai1), recipe. The black bean chili oil makes the dish just slightly, but not overly spicy. Poblano chilies (Capsicum annuum) are a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico. When dried, it’s called ancho chili. The chilies have a dark green color that look great in any dish. So rather than using green bell peppers, I substituted Poblano chilies.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mesquite Grilled Ground Chili Garlic Oil New York Steak (燒烤豆科灌木蒜油辣椒醬肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Syun3 Jau4 Laat6 Ziu1 Zoeng3 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Like the Mesquite Grilled Barbeque Sauce Rib Eye Steak (燒烤豆科灌木燒烤醬肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Siu1 Saau1 Zoeng3 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4) recipe, I’ve totally changed the way I grill beef steaks after reading the method used by America’s Test Kitchen. The recipe was for rib-eye steaks, but it can be used for other cuts of beef and other meats (e.g. pork). Their method produces a charred exterior with a tender medium-rare interior, and uses both the oven and the grill. The basic premise for their method is to preheat the steak in the oven before grilling the steak over a hot fire to produce the desired results. I adapted the method to use the grill only to produce similar results. In my previous grilling recipes, I would place the meat over a hot fire first to char the outside and then move the meat to the cool side of the grill to roast and/or smoke. This produced a charred exterior and medium-rare interior, but the medium-rare interior was sandwiched between a well-done exterior, whereas the America’s Test Kitchen method produced a consistent medium-rare interior without the well-done exterior layers.

So my adaptation is to reverse the previous order of cooking the meat to first pre-heat the meat on the cool side of the grill to smoke it before moving to the hot side to char. This produces similar results to America’s Test Kitchen’s original method even though the fire is reduced in heat when the meat is charred after pre-heating, and you don’t need to use your oven. The new method does take longer to cook the meat, but it’s worth the extra time to get the desired results. The cooking time varies with the thickness of the meat, temperature of the fire, and your previous experience with the barbeque grill, so you’ll have to experiment a little to get the desired results. I think if you try cooking steaks using my adapted method, you’ll also change the way you grill meat.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Black Vinegar Sugar Snap Pea Shabu Shabu Pork Stir Fry (黑米醋蜜豆炒涮涮锅豬肉, Hak1 Mai5 Cou3 Mat6 Dau6 Caau2 Saan3 Saan3 Wo1 Zyu1 Juk6)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Here’s another stir fry dish using Shabu Shabu pork, which is thinly sliced pork and can be found at your local Japanese or Asian market. You can always substitute thinly sliced pork loin or butt cut into 2-inch (5 cm.) pieces if you’re unable to obtain Shabu Shabu pork. Black vinegar is the basis for the sauce and provides a nice taste contrast to the richness of the pork.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Doubanjiang Scallop and Shabu Shabu Beef Rib Eye Stir Fry (郫縣豆瓣酱炒扇貝涮涮锅肉眼牛排, Pei4 Jyun6 Dau6 Faan6 Zoeng3 Caau2 Sin3 Bui3 Saan3 Saan3 Wo1 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Doubanjiang is a spicy fermented broad bean paste. When using Doubanjiang, the paste is first stir fried until the paste turns a dark red color and then the meat is stir fried in the Doubanjiang. Stir frying the Doubanjiang enhances the flavor and is similar in technique to stir frying curry paste in curry dishes. Stir frying the Doubanjiang and the meat is done at the end of the cooking process, which is different from usual stir fry dishes where the meat is cooked first.

Scallops and Shabu Shabu Beef Rib Eye is a stir fried version of the American classic combination dish referred to as “surf and turf”, where “surf” is the seafood and “turf” is the beef. This spicy stir fried version of surf and turf uses thin sliced beef rib eye usually destined for Shabu Shabu, which is a Japanese dish where the beef is swished in a hot broth before eating. The thin sliced beef can be purchased at your local Asian market (usually frozen). In this case I got the Shabu Shabu beef rib eye fresh from my local Japanese market.



1 lb.
500 g.
Scallops (扇貝, sin3 bui3)
½ Tbs.
7.5 ml.
Corn starch (粟粉, suk1 fan2)
½ Tbs.
7.5 ml.
Shaoxing rice wine (紹興酒, siu6 hing1 zau2) or dry sherry
½ tsp.
2.5 ml.
Ground white pepper (白胡椒, baak6 wu4 ziu1)
1 tsp.
5 ml.
Sesame oil (麻油, maa4 jau4)

1 lb.
500 g.
Shabu Shabu beef rib eye (涮涮锅肉眼牛排, saan3 saan3 wo1 juk6 ngaan5 ngau4 paai4)
½ in.
15 mm.
Knob of ginger (, goeng1), crushed in a garlic press
2 cloves
2 cloves
Garlic (, syun3), crushed in a garlic press
1 Tbs.
15 ml.
Corn starch (粟粉, suk1 fan2)
2 Tbs.
30 ml.
Soy sauce (豉油, si6 jau4)
1 Tbs.
15 ml.
Hoisin sauce (海鮮醬, hoi2 sin1 zoeng3)
2 Tbs.
30 ml.
Shaoxing rice wine (紹興酒, siu6 hing1 zau2) or dry sherry
½ tsp.
2.5 ml.
Ground white pepper (白胡椒, baak6 wu4 ziu1)
1 tsp.
5 ml.
Sesame oil (麻油, maa4 jau4)

1 lb.
500 g.
Sugar snap peas (蜜豆, mat6 dau6)
8 oz.
227 g.
One package fried tofu (油炸豆腐, jau4 zaa3 dau6 fu6)
3 stalks
3 stalks
Green onions (, cung1), cut into ½-inch (15 mm.) pieces on the diagonal
1 in.
2.5 cm.
Knob of ginger (, goeng1), thinly sliced
4 cloves
4 cloves
Garlic (, syun3), thinly sliced

Oil for cooking

Sauce Ingredients

2 Tbs.
30 ml.
Salted black bean (豆豉, dau6 si6)
3 Tbs.
45 ml.
Sichuan Pixiandouban brand Doubanjiang (豆瓣酱, pei4 jyun6 dau6 faan6 zoeng3) or equivalent

1 Tbs.
15 ml.
Soy sauce (豉油, si6 jau4)
½ Tbs.
7.5 ml.
Hoisin sauce (海鮮醬, hoi2 sin1 zoeng3)
1 Tbs.
15 ml.
Shaoxing rice wine (紹興酒, siu6 hing1 zau2) or dry sherry
½ tsp.
2.5 ml.
Ground white pepper (白胡椒, baak6 wu4 ziu1)
½ Tbs.
7.5 ml.
Sesame oil (麻油, maa4 jau4)


Garlic press
8 qt.
7.5 L.
Pot to parboil the beef tripe
14 in.
35.5 cm.
Wok or pan

Preparation Instructions
Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Sichuan Pixiandouban Brand Doubanjiang
(郫縣豆瓣酱, pei4 jyun6 dau6 faan6 zoeng3)
  1. If using frozen scallops, thaw the scallops overnight in a covered container in the refrigerator. Take the scallops out of the refrigerator one hour before cooking. Marinate the scallops with corn starch, Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry, ground white pepper, and sesame oil.
  2. Marinate the Shabu Shabu beef rib eye in a covered container for at least one hour or overnight in the refrigerator with the ginger and garlic crushed in a garlic press, corn starch, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry, ground white pepper, and sesame oil. If marinating the beef overnight, take it out of the refrigerator at least one hour before cooking.
  3. Wash and remove the string from the sugar snap peas by grasping each sugar snap pea in one hand and pulling the tip the length of the sugar snap pea with the other.
  4. Open and drain any liquid from the fried tofu package.
  5. Thinly slice the ginger and garlic and put into a small bowl.
  6. Wash and cut the green onions into ½-inch (15 mm.) pieces on the diagonal.
  7. Wash and lightly crush the salted black beans in a small bowl. Put the Sichuan Pixiandouban brand Doubanjiang or equivalent into the bowl and mix the ingredients together.
  8. Prepare and mix the other sauce ingredients in another small bowl: add the soy sauce, hoisin sauce, Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry, ground white pepper, and sesame oil.

Cooking Instructions
  1. Heat a wok or pan over high heat before adding oil and then the scallops. Stir fry the scallops until brown by forming one layer of scallops in the wok and leaving the scallops alone for a while before flipping it over to brown the other side. You may have to stir fry the scallops in batches, so be sure to reheat the wok over high heat before adding more oil. Transfer the browned scallops to a bowl.
  2. Reheat the wok over high heat before adding oil and then the fried tofu. Stir fry the fried tofu and then transfer to the bowl with the scallops.
  3. Reheat the wok over high heat before adding oil and then the sugar snap peas. Stir fry to brown the sugar snap peas. Add the bowl with the ginger and garlic mixture to the wok, and then some oil to the mixture. Quickly stir fry all the ingredients until the ginger and garlic become fragrant. Transfer the contents of the wok to the bowl with the scallops.
  4. Reheat the wok over high heat before adding oil and then the bowl with the Doubanjiang. Stir fry the Doubanjiang until it becomes darker (red) in color before adding the beef. Stir fry to brown the beef before adding the green onions and the contents of the bowl with the scallops back into the wok, and stir fry all the ingredients together.
  5. Add the rest of the sauce ingredients to the wok and mix the ingredients together. Put the cooked ingredients into a serving dish, and serve with Clay Pot Rice (煲仔飯, Bou1 Zai2 Faan6) or steamed rice.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Oak Grilled Dungeness Crab and Beef Rib Eye Steak (燒烤橡木北美大肉蟹肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Zoeng6 Muk6 Bak1 Mei5 Daai6 Juk6 Haai5 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Dungeness Crab, a local delicacy, is in season right now (but unfortunately in short supply). Surf and turf is an American meal that refers to a dish of seafood (surf; crab in this case) and beef steak (turf). Meat from a whole cooked crab is placed into the body shell and grilled together with a beef rib eye steak. This recipe easily serves two people and is a luxurious dish usually served for a special occasion.

Like the Mesquite Grilled Boneless Beef Chuck Steak (燒烤豆科灌木牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Ngau4 Paai4) and Mesquite Grilled Barbeque Sauce Rib Eye Steak (燒烤豆科灌木燒烤醬肉眼牛排, Siu1 Haau1 Dau6 Fo1 Gun3 Muk6 Siu1 Saau1 Zoeng3 Juk6 Ngaan5 Ngau4 Paai4) recipes, I’ve totally changed the way I grill beef steaks after reading the method used by America’s Test Kitchen. The recipe was for rib-eye steaks, but it can be used for other cuts of beef and other meats (e.g. pork). Their method produces a charred exterior with a tender medium-rare interior, and uses both the oven and the grill. The basic premise for their method is to preheat the steak in the oven before grilling the steak over a hot fire to produce the desired results. I adapted the method to use the grill only to produce similar results. In my previous grilling recipes, I would place the meat over a hot fire first to char the outside and then move the meat to the cool side of the grill to roast and/or smoke. This produced a charred exterior and medium-rare interior, but the medium-rare interior was sandwiched between a well-done exterior, whereas the America’s Test Kitchen method produced a consistent medium-rare interior without the well-done exterior layers.

So my adaptation is to reverse the previous order of cooking the meat to first pre-heat the meat on the cool side of the grill to smoke it before moving to the hot side to char. This produces similar results to America’s Test Kitchen’s original method even though the fire is reduced in heat when the meat is charred after pre-heating, and you don’t need to use your oven. The new method does take longer to cook the meat, but it’s worth the extra time to get the desired results. The cooking time varies with the thickness of the meat, temperature of the fire, and your previous experience with the barbeque grill, so you’ll have to experiment a little to get the desired results. I think if you try cooking steaks using my adapted method, you’ll also change the way you grill meat.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Basil Cilantro Lobster Noodles (紫蘇芫茜龍蝦麵, Zi2 Sou1 Jyun4 Sai1 Lung4 Haa1 Min6)

Copyright © 2018 Douglas R. Wong, all rights reserved.
Happy New Year! For the first dish of the New Year, here’s a lobster noodle dish seasoned with basil and cilantro. The normal lobster dish found in restaurants is usually made with a fresh whole lobster (shell included) and you have to remove the meat from the shell in order to eat the dish. The dish is visually stunning with the bright red lobster shell, but a messy pain to eat (at least in my opinion). I would rather not have the visually stunning presentation and use cooked (not fresh) lobster meat removed from the shell. I use kitchen shears to remove the meat from the lobster shells, especially the small legs that contain that hard to get at lobster meat. If a whole lobster is too much of a challenge, you can substitute cooked lobster tails. For this dish, I used basil and cilantro for added flavor in this dish. The traditional lobster noodle recipe just uses lobster, so this variation adds a nice fresh herbal note to the dish.

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